Down To Earth Wiki


Zaida is the female protagonist of the Down To Earth Webtoon. She is an alien girl from the planet Zodia. At birth, she was always told by her planet that her living alone was important to the survival of their planet, and because of this, she had all her freedom ripped from her and was isolated on a tower where people were always moderating her every move.

After years of having to endure it, it slowly started to make her go mad. One day she couldn't handle it anymore and took a ship to leave her planet, and followed the coordinates set into the ship.

This led her to Earth and becoming "The angel that fell from the sky" and was saved by Kade. She begged to live with him as she had no place to go, while not liking the idea at first, Kade decided to become Zaida's "caretaker" and decided to teach her how to be a human. Despite the short time that they've known each other, the two are very comfortable around each other and trust each other.



Similar Beauty

Zaida has very long hair that is an ombre of teal and blue. Her body type is described as having a pear-shaped body with a small torso and very large hips, or as Kade likes to put it, "Thicc Thighs". She has pointed, elf-like ears, and brown eyes that look like they have galaxies in them and glow yellow when she's really happy.

As stated by Kade, Zaida's beauty is comparable to the beauty of the famous model and Kade's former girlfriend, Delilah, with the only difference being their hair, eyes, breasts, and overall height.


Zaida resembles Kade's ex-girlfriend, Delilah, but has a very different personality. Zaida is a kind, optimistic, and naive girl who desperately wants to be "normal" and fit in on Earth. Although she is typically happy-go-lucky, Zaida's not afraid to defend herself when necessary, even if she's left shaken from the encounter. Zaida is self-conscious about her appearance but is quick to accept that she isn't that out of the ordinary and that some people pay big money to look the way she does. Even so, she is still uncomfortable when around a lot of people. She is very kind and caring of others well being, and tries her hardest to make her friends happy.



Zaida Fly

Every individual on Zodia can float, achieving at least several meters off the ground. This is seen when Zaida burst out of her ship in Episode 1. While everyone on her planet can have this ability, it requires some sort of practice to get the hang of.



Another ability that is shared by the people of Zodia is telepathy. It requires both parties to have head contact and afterwards, the two can obtain knowledge from the other, or share a thought. Obtaining knowledge is a quick and easy process that can be used to obtain basic information, this can be in the form of language where she can grab any form of basic speech, however, this does have its limits and only works in a burst. Thought sharing on the other hand is a longer, more complied process, when this one is used this connects both parties minds and can share thoughts between both parties, through these connections one can revisit one memory's so clear, that you feel that your there, other uses of these connections one can share information, however even getting the smallest of information would take a while. An example of this was when Zaida was learning how to read using her telepathy. It took an hour for her to fully understand reading.



  • Kade (Zaida)
    Kade: Kade is the first human that Zaida met. He took Zaida in after her ship crash-landed in his backyard, and due to her being stranded on a new planet with nowhere to go, he decided to take her in his home despite his introvert side. A little later Zaida woke up and started to examine the room around her, talking in her language he didn't understand, Kade lost in thoughts on how beautiful she was and how it reminded her of a certain someone he was trying to forget, she then grabs his head and the two bumped heads. Confused at first, he quickly learned about her Levitation and Telepath and how she just used it to learn the basics of the English language. After a bit, she sees how different their planets are and how amazing earth was, and after hearing from Kade that everyone on earth looks different she concludes that she wants to make a life here and asks if what room was hers, Kade gets flustered due to the situation being odd and having his shit to deal with, but after Zaida's begging, he agrees to let her stay and teach her how to be a human under three rules, 1) contribute, 2) trust, and 3) no feelings.
  • Zaida and Kade had a rough start as just the second day, she broke so many rules, with the breaking point being that she destroyed his "Precious Child", while he was rightly mad at her, he started letting all her stress on her, telling how Ellie left, and how his manger was getting buddy-buddy with him and how he just wanted to avoid people, and while Zaida tried to confront he starts ripping into her, saying that she was so quick to trust him yet didn't realize the danger she put herself, she gets defensive saying that he put trust into him because he promised not to take advantage of the situation but if he were to continue to act this way that she would take it back, but she wasn't surprised because he was a prevent, after all, Kade gets mad as not only was she breaking his stuff but going through it, Zaida tells him that she didn't mean it because she didn't know that electronics don't belong in the water. Kade realizes that he assumed that she already knew some basics of human life and that he was in the wrong, leaving her terrified and shaking from the yelling he had just given her, he tries to apologize but Zaida flies away and locks herself in his room. He realizes how inconsiderate feelings and tries to scrambles to try and fix the situation, he buys pizza knowing well she hadn't eaten all day, he knocks on her door and tells her that she was rightfully mad at her because of how she handled the situation and how even though she did everything he asked her to do, he is having a hard time trusting her and doubting her. She comes out and sits down to eat with him, Kade gives her the thing she bought her and said to think of it as a gift of things she will mostly need, she was happy, and surprisingly, while he thought it would be annoying to have another person, but he started to enjoy her company.
  • This was the foundation that set up their friendship and thanks to Kade's guidance it helped her to open up and make new friends and grows to be Kade's best friend, and while she doesn't know, she became the person to bring him a new light to his life and also helped him to recover from his past feelings by slowly opening up to her, and because of this, the two become very comfortable with each other and trust each other dearly and slowly made it clear that she had feelings for Kade, she does not completely understand how romance works, but has shown from time to time that she would be open to getting immediate with him, like that time she was open to the idea of Kade taking her first kiss, however, this went against his "No Feelings" rule and does not want to go any further for Kade's sake, She is also unaware that Kade as well had started developing feelings for her. At a fashion show that Zadia, Kade, and Suzy went to, Kade's ex-girlfriend Delilah appears first on the walkway. Zadia tries to get Kade to leave with her before he sees, but it is too late. Kade changes since then, and Zadia does not know how to help him in this situation of Kade's depression. Zadia reaches help from Suzy who recommends giving Kade time and space, so Zadia moves in with Suzy, and separates herself from Kade.
  • Ethan (Zaida)
    Ethan: Ethan is a high-schooler that discovered Zaida's secret after he saw her float on the security cameras at Mallmart and miraculously met her and Kade at Panda Tea House where he talked and discovered Zaida being an alien, thanks to his obsession with Si-fi, It helped Ethan accept her as an alien. He is the social friend of Zaida's life who is helping her goal to adjust to life on earth by always being willing to hang out with her, teaching her the basics of writing and lecture, and helping her see potential in art and how it could help her in a future career. He was also the person to help her see that even if she opened up about her past, it wouldn't change their view on her and would help them get closer to each other. Ethan considers her a good friend and she was the one to show his lifetime dream of meeting an alien and is Zaida's number one fan.
Ellie (Zaida)
  • Ellie: Ellie is Kade's ex-girlfriend. Ellie randomly showed up at Kade's house one day and was greeted by Zaida, They didn't meet on the best of terms as Ellie thought that Zaida was Kade's new interest of the week and was another girl whose heart was gonna break, although Zaida didn't pick up on the awkwardness and ended up inviting Ellie for breakfast. Ellie had a low opinion on Zaida, labeling her as the cute but dimwitted type of person. But when she and Kade got into a small argument and Ellie cried and breakdown out of grief, Zaida pulled her away to comfort her. She thought Zaida was gonna lecture her about how she was wrong and Kade was right, but to her surprise, Zaida wasn't going to say anything to upset her even more and she thought it was best to separate them for a moment, this shows Ellie that maybe she was being genuine and after seeing how Zaida made Kade smile, she encouraged her to continue whatever she was doing to make him happy, showing her respect towards Zaida. She also envies Zaida, as she did what she couldn't. Despite only having met once, Zaida likes Ellie and wants to be her friend. The two are on great terms despite how they met and, while not being true just yet, Ellie thinks of Zaida as Kade's new girlfriend.
Zaida (Suzy)
  • Suzy: While trying to get at the back at Spenders, Zaida bumped into the Model that she saw in the magazine, Suzy, she was curious about the back and asked Suzy stuff at the back, Suzy then asked for he ID, which of course she didn't have one but still let her go, but before she left she asked Suzy if she could become a good model, the two started talking about that and they hit it off and Zaida brought up the fact that she wanted to get her ears pierced, Suzy mentioned that she used to do it as a job and gave Zaida her number, offering her to contact her if she wanted to get them pierced tonight. She did accept and sent her the address without telling her that it was Kade's place. She came and the two did small talk while she pierced her ear, of course, Zaida was pleased and thanked her for her time. Before she could leave, Suzy wanted to tell her that she had been one of the chilliest and coolest people that she had met in a while and just asked her if she wanted to be friends, hearing this made Zaida eyes glow out of joy hearing that someone wanted to be her friend. Suzy was scared and confused at first because Zaida was levitating and that Kade came out of nowhere, while she tied to make a run for it, she eventually calmed down and opened to the idea of aliens thanks to Kade and after sitting down and getting to know her better she becomes Zaida second and most prominent female friend and is currently helping her new bestie to become more social to help Zaida to become a Model at Spenders.


  • In the "Down To Earth (Official Trailer #2) | WEBTOON" promotional video it was taken in the perspective of Zaida, explaining her experience of meeting Kade, the three rules that he set up and explaining her growing feelings and wondering if they can become something more, while the first promotional was taken through the view of Kade and his experience with her coming into his life.
  • The concept for Zaida was first thought of around Pookie's middle school years. Zaida's concept was originally a computer virus that took a physical form[2]. A little later down the line was turned into an alien, as Pookie became invested in the character dynamic of DC's Robin and Starfire, especially the romance part of their relationship.
  • Her name starts with the letter Z, like most words in the Zodian language.
  • In the Canvas version of Zaida, when she shows her true, lustful nature she gains a set of horns on her head and eventually transforms. It is currently unknown if this version of Zaida can do this as well.
  • Zaida appears as one of the four optional routes for the Webtoon dating sim "Webtoon Mingle." Her route can be played here.
  • A joke present throughout the YouTube channel "2 Stupid Idiots" is that Zaida personality takes a 180° and she becomes unhinged, bent on murdering everyone in cold blood.

List of appearances[]


